My Services
My services are individualized to each client, so please reach out with any questions about how I can best help you and your dog.
Initial Consultation
All new behavior modification clients must begin with an initial consultation. This 90-minute session allows me to get to know you and your dog, and your concerns about and goals for your dog. It will also include some management strategies that you can implement right away and an overview of the training plan.
Follow Up Consultation
Once you've completed your initial consultation and started working with your dog on the training plan provided, these sessions are for follow-up help. They can involve coaching the guardian on their training efforts so far, providing additional guidance as the dog's behavior changes in response to the training, and any other support needed. This consultation can be in person (for those within 20 miles of Sandy, UT) or online.
Pre-Adoption Consultation
This online service is designed to help you select the right dog for your family, based on your wants and needs. I will help you determine if it makes the most sense to get an adult or a puppy, if the breed you're interested in is suitable for your lifestyle, and whether you'll have the most success with a shelter, rescue, breeder or private rehoming. This is an online service and does not include meeting individual potential dogs.
Social Training Hike
This option is for dogs who are already comfortable meeting new dogs on a leash. (Comfortable meeting new dogs on a leash means that your dog willingly approaches novel dogs with a loose body and engages in polite social sniffing, or ignores novel dogs but tolerates polite social sniffing while remaining loose and relaxed.)
The hike will be 60-90 minutes, and include opportunities to practice loose leash walking, recall, handler focus in distracting environments, and ask training questions. The hike will include one or more other dogs and take place at a public, on leash park within my service area at a mutually agreed upon day and time (generally during daylight hours).
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